Meet Aleksander Povarintsev

Aleksander Povarintsev was born in the Siberian town of Nizhneudinsk. Still, he lived for most of his life in Irkutsk, the Paris of the East. Nature, especially birds interested him since childhood.
For many years, he studied the avifauna of the Irkutsk region. He conducted bird surveys on birds of prey in the South Baikal migration corridor, and wintering waterfowl on the Angara River. In 2010, he graduated from Irkutsk State University with a major in biology, and three years followed working in the Research Institute of Biology.
He currently works part-time at the Irkutsk State Agricultural University in the Institute of Natural Resources Management while full-time occupied by Rubythroat as a liaison for all operations of our company in Russia. His PhD is devoted to factors that influence to migratory behaviour of raptors in the South Baikal migration corridor.
Aleksandr is a very social person with a beautiful, dry, English sense of humour and a true gentleman. He will be leading most of our tours in Russia and Kazakhstan plus an occasional trip elsewhere in Central Asia.
1. How did your birding career start?
Birds have fascinated me since childhood. One day, I discovered a few vinyl records of bird calls and a book about rare birds of the USSR at home, filled with old, black-and-white photographs. I was captivated by listening to the birds and flipping through the pages. There were so many species I hadn’t known about, which sparked my curiosity. From that point on, I started learning about the birds around me and began observing them in nature.
2. Experience
I have been leading tours since 2016, and it all began by chance. A colleague suggested I try working as a bird guide, and I decided to give it a shot. Soon after, I met Machiel and Bonny, which led to my collaboration with Rubythroat Birding Tours. That’s how my guiding journey took off.
3. Most memorable Birding Experience
It’s hard for me to single out a particular moment, as working with Rubythroat Birding Tours has taken me to so many incredible places, and I’ve encountered a wide array of amazing birds and animals. However, some experiences that stand out include spotting the Paradise Flycatcher in the Russian Far East, exploring the mountains of Central Asia, and witnessing the beauty of the Siberian Crane and Ross’s Gull in the tundra. Each of these moments left a lasting impression on me.
4. Travel Wishlist
I would love to explore New Zealand and Australia, as well as South America and Africa. These regions are high on my list of dream destinations for birding and wildlife adventures.
5. Favourite Bird Family
I have a special fondness for swifts, as they’ve mastered the skies so effortlessly that they rarely touch the ground. Their arrival also signals the true start of summer where I live, which makes them even more remarkable to me. I also have a soft spot for buntings, which I consider some of the most charming and endearing birds.
6. Equipment
I use a 30-60 Swarovski scope and 10×42 Swarovski binoculars for birding and work, and I believe this equipment is among the best available. While I’m not a professional photographer, I enjoy capturing moments for myself using a Nikon multizoom camera. Currently, I have a Nikon P950, which offers excellent versatility for my needs.
“There is an unreasonable joy to be had from the observation of small birds going about their bright, oblivious business”
Join one of Alexander's tours
The Flora & Fauna of Altai

Ornithological expedition to Lake Baikal

An expedition to the Indigirka Delta for Ross’s Gull & more